How many owners are there at the lake?
There are 118 owners. An owner could be an individual, a couple, a couple of individuals, family groups or even
firms or corporations. Not all have cabins, many are just lots.
Does the lake get busy?
I explain it like this. We have 118 owners. Half of them come to the lake at all. Half of those
that come actually come on a regular basis. So many days you'll think you have your own lake. On the major holidays there is increased activity, especially the 4th of July.
Who owns the lake, roads, and common property?
The members of the association own it. Individuals own their specific property. The members also own the common property (beach, clubhouse, lake access lots, over 200 unsold lots
Is the association incorporated?
Yes, in 1985 it was incorporated as a Missouri not-for-profit organization. Day to day business is conducted
by a 7 member Board of Directors.
How big is the lake?
It encompasses 56 acres and has just over 3 miles of shore line. From North to South it is .71 miles
How deep is the lake?
You'll get different answers on this. My source is an avid fisherman (Bob) with a well equipped boat and he says it's 35 feet deep. I'm sticking to that answer.
Are there any social activities?
Yes. There are organized dinners on Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day. On Independence Day there is a community breakfast followed by a kid's fishing derby at the dam. There is also a fall Chili Supper.
There are also some other organized groups, game night, etc. All activities take place at the clubhouse. As a member, you can also reserve the clubhouse for your own family dinners, celebrations, etc.
Do I have to pay for trash disposal?
No, it's already included in your association dues. Trash goes to the 3 dumpsters across from the clubhouse. Leaves and branches go to the burn pile near the main entrance. Metal goes behind the dumpsters. Old
furniture, carpeting, lumber, plastic items, etc. go to the burn pile North of the dumpsters.
There are 118 owners. An owner could be an individual, a couple, a couple of individuals, family groups or even
firms or corporations. Not all have cabins, many are just lots.
Does the lake get busy?
I explain it like this. We have 118 owners. Half of them come to the lake at all. Half of those
that come actually come on a regular basis. So many days you'll think you have your own lake. On the major holidays there is increased activity, especially the 4th of July.
Who owns the lake, roads, and common property?
The members of the association own it. Individuals own their specific property. The members also own the common property (beach, clubhouse, lake access lots, over 200 unsold lots
Is the association incorporated?
Yes, in 1985 it was incorporated as a Missouri not-for-profit organization. Day to day business is conducted
by a 7 member Board of Directors.
How big is the lake?
It encompasses 56 acres and has just over 3 miles of shore line. From North to South it is .71 miles
How deep is the lake?
You'll get different answers on this. My source is an avid fisherman (Bob) with a well equipped boat and he says it's 35 feet deep. I'm sticking to that answer.
Are there any social activities?
Yes. There are organized dinners on Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day. On Independence Day there is a community breakfast followed by a kid's fishing derby at the dam. There is also a fall Chili Supper.
There are also some other organized groups, game night, etc. All activities take place at the clubhouse. As a member, you can also reserve the clubhouse for your own family dinners, celebrations, etc.
Do I have to pay for trash disposal?
No, it's already included in your association dues. Trash goes to the 3 dumpsters across from the clubhouse. Leaves and branches go to the burn pile near the main entrance. Metal goes behind the dumpsters. Old
furniture, carpeting, lumber, plastic items, etc. go to the burn pile North of the dumpsters.